Sorry for not updating the blog for quite some time now. But, lots has been happening as far as the blog and the cakes business has been concerned. You people do know that I started this blog first and then got into the cake making business: cakes for friends and family an now I have started making customized cakes as well – Cakes on demand 🙂
These will be the very best Customized cakes in Lahore, Insha Allah!

Here are a couple of shots of the cakes that have kept me busy 😉

First, the cake business and the blog were under the same “The Chef In Me” umbrella but that caused many confusions because the blog is mainly about helping people get better at cooking, taste different cuisines and eat better hence live better. And my recipes, tips and tricks are for the whole world, whether you’re in America, Indonesia or Antarctica YOU can follow my recipes and feel good about yourself. While the cake business is strictly for Lahore only. We give free home delivery anywhere in Lahore.

Hence, a segregation was essential which separated the cake business from the blog and it has been achieved, Alhumdolillah! 🙂

From now on, Thechefinme will focus on recipes, tips and tricks while will focus on cake sales. You can call me on my cell or order online, yes online and we accept credit card for payments as well. Ain’t that cool or what. 🙂

You need a recipe go to, and subscribe to the blog as well. And if you need to order a cake for a birthday, anniversary, wedding or for some special occasion go to Leemz Customized Cakes.

Thank you for your patience, Thank you for your time and thank you for your support.

All of you have a special place in my heart.

Keep up the good work and now start flooding us with your requests, because we’re back 😀 Back with a bang 🙂

And please do join my facebook page as well:

For Thechefinme: Thechefinme on Facebook

For on Facebook
Peace out,


Singaporean Rice

This Singaporean rice dish is a STAR. It's here to entertain you. It's got that look, it's got that feel, it'll be...
