Super quick and easy Chocolate fudge

Fudge is one of the things I always so wanted to try out. But, the wee bit complicated procedure and the usage of cooking thermometer always used to put me off. But ever since I laid my eyes on this particular recipe that I found on Suzie’s blog, I’ve been...


In every country that makes bread, there arises a question of what to do with the leftover scraps of dough. In England, they dropped the bits into soup or water, and made dumplings. But in Holland and in Germany, cooks dropped the extra into boiling oil, and made...

Chocolate Fudge Frosting

In my quest to find that oh-so-heavenly chocolate fudge icing, this one was the champion, the savior and sinfully irresistible. And all thanks to my cousin Masturah for giving it to me. I wanted a one which would not be too hard like royal icing and not too soft like...

The very best – American Brownies

Personally i don’t like cake-like brownies. I like brownies to have a little crispy, crust on top but, deep and moist centre. And that’s exactly what these american brownies are. And cake like brownies don’t even come close to it. That is why I LOVE...

Chocolate Chip Muffins

I’ve been trying to make those soft, light not too hassle chocolate muffins but, one way or the other just couldn’t get my hands on the perfect recipe to suit my standards hehe 🙂 no seriously! Because they are quick, easy and hassle free and what you get...